Pay My Bill



WesTel Systems has a variety of payment options.


eBill Login from a Desktop
Click here.  Once on the eBill login page click on “Don’t have an account?  Register here.”  You will need a current copy of your WesTel Systems bill to obtain your invoice number and amount due.


eBill Mobile App
download the app to make paying easy from your mobile phone.  Download from the App Store, “eBill Mobile” with the symbol below.  Once downloaded, enter your zip code and select the WesTel Systems logo.  Click on “Register Here” under the login.  You will need a current copy of your WesTel Systems bill to obtain your invoice number and amount due.


Automatic Bank Payment
Authorize WesTel Systems to automatically withdraw your monthly bill from your designated checking or savings account.  No need to worry about missing a payment, late payments, and save on postage.  Print off the form and mail it to WesTel Systems, drop it off at our office during business hours or email it to us.


As a reminder, WesTel Systems bills are due by the 24th of each month.  If you would like assistance with any of the payment options listed above, please contact WesTel Systems at 712-786-1181.  Thank you!